[Tex/LaTex] packages times(-itsc), txfonts, newtxtext/newtxmath, and mathptmx: relation and interactions


I am always using the packages times (actually: times-itsc from here in order to get italic small-caps) and txfonts. I use txfonts for the \coloneqq (:=) symbol. My loading order has traditionally and habitually been times-itsc -> amsmath -> textcomp -> upgreek -> txfonts. (I'm mentioning the middle three here just in case it matters for the answer; of course I'm loading many more packages around and in between.)

  1. I recently heard about the newtxtext/newtxmath package. Is the idea that I, simplifying somewhat, just replace txfonts with it, and that's it?
  2. Just now I notice that newtxtext is for text and that txfonts was already for much more than just some extra symbols (I originally included this in my package repertoire simply for the \coloneqq symbol). Should I in my current setup or with newtxtext and/or newtxmath in place of txfonts get rid of any packages? How do times(-itsc) and txfonts/newtx... interact or overlap? For example, do times and txfonts partially override each other? What is the precise effect of me loading first times-itsc and then txfonts?
  3. And how does mathptmx compare to the above?
  4. Any caveats regarding package loading order, especially with respect to amsmath?

(This question is quite general, so general answers will be fine.)

UPDATE: New insights:

  • mathptmx supersedes times.
    • The superscript numbers are larger than those of times and too large for my taste, though this is probably a feature by design.
  • newtxtext/newtxmath supersede (in combination) txfonts. With newtxtext/newtxmath, I get:
    • larger subscript numbers
    • smaller, thicker, and lower-placed footnote numbers
  • Italic small caps were previously only offered by times-itsc; now newtxtext offers them too. (Thanks, Michael Sharpe!)

Best Answer

I just modified newtxtext to add italic small caps. I haven't sent it to CTAN yet but newtx.tds.zip may be downloaded from


Instructions for manual installation are given in the README.
