[Tex/LaTex] combine \usepackage{times} and \fontspec \setmainfont


I'm having difficulty finding a Times-like font which has support for Americanist phonetic symbols, bold, italic, bold italic and small caps.

Currently, I've got a setup using xelatex which gets me all but the last item on the list:

BoldFont={Aboriginal Serif Bold},
ItalicFont={Aboriginal Serif Italic},
BoldItalicFont={Aboriginal Serif Bold Italic},
Mapping=tex-text]{Doulos SIL}

On my system (texlive on debian GNU/Linux), simply including \usepackage{times} will get me a font which has small caps, bold, italic, bold italic, but it doesn't have all the glyphs I need.

If I can figure out how to use that \usepackage{times} font with fontspec, I think I could fill it in as:


in the options for \setmainfont.

Alternatively, if there's a Times-like font which is going to be freely available, I could use that.

So, my practical question is: what font can I use to get times small caps? I've tried with Aboriginal Serif, Doulos SIL, Nimbus No9 Roman L, Times New Roman, none seem to have the small caps.

My principled question is: is there a way to use the metafont \usepackage{times} font as one of the font types in \setmainfont?

To make some minimal examples:

LARGECAPS \textsc{smallcaps}

and compile with xelatex, ^^^ that works.

If I add \usepackage{times} that also works.

But if I add \setmainfont{X} where X is any one of
* Doulos SIL
* Aboriginal Serif
* Times New Roman
* TeX Gyre Termes
* STIXGeneral

I just seem miniscules instead of small caps.

Best Answer

The only Times clone that has small caps is, as far as I know, TeX Gyre Termes. Thus this works, but of course you don't get fancy small caps glyphs (just the Latin letters). But, apparently, also Doulos SIL has them.


  SmallCapsFont={TeX Gyre Termes},
]{Aboriginal Serif}

LARGECAPS \textsc{smallcaps}

enter image description here

If you want Doulos SIL as main font, here's the complete setup:


  BoldFont={Aboriginal Serif Bold},
  ItalicFont={Aboriginal Serif Italic},
  BoldItalicFont={Aboriginal Serif Bold Italic},
  %SmallCapsFont={TeX Gyre Termes},
]{Doulos SIL}

LARGECAPS \textsc{smallcaps} \textbf{Bold} \textit{Italic}
\textbf{\textit{Bold Italic}}

enter image description here