[Tex/LaTex] Package biblatex Warning: No “backend” specified, using Biber backend


I am trying to compile a simple tex file but I get this warning and no bibliography printed out:

Package biblatex Warning: No "backend" specified, using Biber backend.

I am using Kile on Ubuntu 14.04. While the same exact file on another pc with Ubuntu 12.04 is correclty working. What is the problem? How can I solve it?

Here is my MWE:

\usepackage[font={small}, labelfont=bf, hypcap=true]{caption}[2004/07/16]
\usepackage[style=authoryear-comp,maxcitenames=1,maxbibnames=99,sortcites=true,firstinits=true,doi=false,url=false,isbn=false, hyperref]{biblatex}%style=numeric-comp,sorting=none,backend=biber

\renewbibmacro{in:}{% elimina il in nella biblio



\title{My paper title}





Lalalalalalalalalala \cite{Colitti2014}.




Best Answer

It's just a warning, which tells you, you didn't set a backend to manage your bibliography, so biblatex uses the fallback biber.

If you want to get rid of the message, you can choose manually between bibtex, bibtex8, bibtexu and biber. Just add backend=xxx in your biblatex line.

Since you didn't modify the code (and hence your outcommented string says it), you should add backend=biber.

See manual, ยง3.1.1.


Your error log is not complete. Next time please provide the full error log and the needed bib file (biblioTC.bib).

If I compile, I also get following lines:

Package biblatex Warning: Conflicting options.
(biblatex)                'firstinits' conflicts with 'uniquename=full'.
(biblatex)                Setting 'uniquename=init' on input line 23.

That comes because your chosen style authoryear-comp automatically sets uniquename=full which interferes with your manual uniquename=init. If you remove this setting as well, you should get rid of that message, too.