[Tex/LaTex] Package bbold for mathematical symbol


Reading the documentation of bbold package (see http://mirrors.ctan.org/fonts/bbold/bbold.pdf), it shows that some mathematical symbols can be written with the \mathbb format. Such as +, (, etc.

However, I don't know how to get this result as \mathbb{+} doesn't give the desired result.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

The other answers have provided you the reasons why \mathbb{+} does not work off-hand. If you would like to use these symbols in a math context, you can declare it as a math symbol, with proper spacings (e.g. + in math mode should have spacing around it matching that of \mathbin because it is a binary operator etc.). See this answer for more details.

In this case, the + is a Math symbol defined in fontmath.ltx as such:


Motivated by this, you can define the blackboard + math symbol in a similar way, by declaring a symbol font and then a math symbol like so:



    Normal: $a+b$ \\ % No blackboard, correct spacing
    \verb|\bbplus|: $a\bbplus b$ \\ % Blackboard, correct spacing
    \verb|\mathbb|: $a\mathbb{+}b$ % No blackboard, wrong spacing

which gives:


You should be able to extrapolate from this for other symbols by yourself.

Resident font gurus would hopefully correct this or post a new answer if there is an easier way to do this.