[Tex/LaTex] Overlapping tikz nodes with background fadings


Following the first tutorial in the TikZ manual, I tend to take steps to improve the legibility of tick labels when placed over gridlines. I prefer to use a fading rather than a plain white rectangle. However, if two nodes with faded background get placed right next to each other, one will "fade" over the text of the other. Putting them all in a transparency group just seems to kill the fading effect altogether.

How do I make the fadings in two overlapping nodes not act on each other's text? (Preventing their fadings from stacking would be nice also, but is less important.)

Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful in uploading images that demonstrate the transparency, but here's the code for some minimal working examples:

What it's supposed to look like, more or less:

%With the following code (from the TikZ manual) installed, 
%the option "path fading=fade out"
%will cause a filled shape or node to be opaque in the center and 
%gradually fade to transparency at the edges.
\tikzfading[name=fade out,
            inner color=transparent!0,
            outer color=transparent!100]
    \draw[help lines] (-4.9,-4.9) grid (4.9,4.9);
    \draw[thin,->] (-5,0) -- (5,0) node[right]{$x$};
    \draw[thin,->] (0,-5) -- (0,5) node[above]{$y$};
    \begin{scope}[ticklabel/.style={fill=white,path fading=fade out,text opacity=1.0}]
    \foreach \x in {-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4}
        \node[below,ticklabel] at (\x,0) {$\x$};
    \foreach \y in {-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4}
        \node[left,ticklabel] at (0,\y) {$\;\y$};

What it looks like when nodes are too close together, with background rectangles to help illustrate the effect:

%With the following code (from the TikZ manual) installed, 
%the option "path fading=fade out"
%will cause a filled shape or node to be opaque in the center and 
%gradually fade to transparency at the edges.
\tikzfading[name=fade out,
            inner color=transparent!0,
            outer color=transparent!100]
    \fill[black!20] (-5,-5) rectangle (5,5);
    \draw[help lines] (-4.9,-4.9) grid (4.9,4.9);
    \draw[thin,->] (-5,0) -- (5,0) node[right]{$x$};
    \draw[thin,->] (0,-5) -- (0,5) node[above]{$y$};
    \begin{scope}[ticklabel/.style={fill=white,path fading=fade out,text opacity=1.0}]
    \foreach \x in {-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4}
        \node[below,ticklabel] at (\x,0) {$\x$};
    \foreach \y in {-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4}
        \node[left,ticklabel] at (0,\y) {$\y$};
    \fill[black!20] (-5,-5) rectangle (5,5);
    \draw[help lines] (-4.9,-4.9) grid (4.9,4.9);
    \draw[thin,->] (-5,0) -- (5,0) node[right]{$x$};
    \draw[thin,->] (0,-5) -- (0,5) node[above]{$y$};
    \begin{scope}[ticklabel/.style={fill=white,path fading=fade out,text opacity=1.0},transparency group]
    \foreach \x in {-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4}
        \node[below,ticklabel] at (\x,0) {$\x$};
    \foreach \y in {-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4}
        \node[left,ticklabel] at (0,\y) {$\y$};

The example on the right shows the effect of putting the nodes inside a transparency group.

Best Answer

Not very sophisticated … (but then: Why so tight ticks? Why not pgfplots?)

Code (the scope)

\begin{scope}[ticklabel/.style={fill=white,path fading=fade out,text opacity=1.0}]
    \foreach \x in {-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4}{
        \node[below,ticklabel] at (\x,0) {$\phantom{\x}$};
        \node[left,ticklabel] at (0,\x) {$\phantom{\x}$};
    \foreach \x in {-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4}{
        \node[below] at (\x,0) {$\x$};
        \node[left] at (0,\x) {$\x$};


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