Overlapping Labels in TikZ – How to Fix Label Issues in Pgfplots


This might be closed for being too localised, in which case I don't know where to get help from but here goes.

I am drawing a histogram with Tikz (using the ybar interval bar chart) and labelling the bars on the x axis. The problem is that one of the bars is very thin, and as a result the labels merge into one another making them unreadable.

Is there any way to move just one label down so that it sits below the others, preferably with a line above indicating where it should be.

Here is an MWE:



\begin{axis}[ybar interval,
  width=20cm, height=15cm,
  \addplot coordinates
    {(0,0.001690154) (0.42008,0.001788549) (1.46562,0.001654645)
    (2.32381,0.0008229) (2.66407,0.000605811) (3.07674,0.00032906)
    (3.89726,0.000320221) (4.67797,0) (5.52977,0.000493147)
    (6.57057,0.000686841) (6.81808,0.001095676) (7.07363,0.002101944) 
    (7.11169,0.000255776) (7.22898,0.000594904) (7.53155,0)};


Best Answer

Another option would be to use some pins for the problematic labels (not that I am very happy with the result):




\begin{tikzpicture}[small dot/.style={fill=black,circle,scale=0.25}]
\begin{axis}[ybar interval,
  width=20cm, height=15cm,
  \addplot coordinates
    {(0,0.001690154) (0.42008,0.001788549) (1.46562,0.001654645)
    (2.32381,0.0008229) (2.66407,0.000605811) (3.07674,0.00032906)
    (3.89726,0.000320221) (4.67797,0) (5.52977,0.000493147)
    (6.57057,0.000686841) (6.81808,0.001095676) (7.07363,0.002101944) 
    (7.11169,0.000255776) (7.22898,0.000594904) (7.53155,0)};
    \node[small dot,pin={[pin distance=0.8cm]273:{EH}}] at (axis description cs:0.95,0) {};
    \node[small dot,pin=270:{AC}] at (axis description cs:0.9415,0) {};



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