[Tex/LaTex] OpenType Latex font for usage in text editor


I like to use the LaTeX fonts as well in text editors. Concerning this, some questions came into my mind:

  1. Is it true that I need so called OpenType fonts for that, which I could use like Times or Arial etc.?
  2. I do have, from my TeX distribution, fonts called "Latin Modern Roman" in various forms (slanted, italic, bold, …). Do I have the right ones?
  3. Finally, I want to do some mathematical characters like \omega, \hbar and so on. I found hbar which in italic looks similar to the one produced with LaTeX. But omega seems to be replaced by the Lucida font. Do I need an additional font for Greek Latex OpenType?

To be more precise, I would like to be able to use Word or Pages with the same font that Latex does, which is Computer Modern or Latin Modern, I am not quite sure. I do have the OpenType fonts of them, but when I compare \hbar \omega from a compiled Latex document to what Pages gives me, it will yield the following (first the Latex, afterwards the Pages result):
enter image description here
enter image description here

Again, I want to be able to have the Latex result reproduced with Pages.

Best Answer

The layout of the characters in classic TeX fonts is somewhat eccentric (For example capital Greek gamma is in position 0 in the Roman font. Thus it is not automatic (to say the least) that typing any non-ASCII character in a text editor will directly produce the same character when typeset by TeX.

If you use utf8 encoding


Or use xelatex or lualatex (which are natively utf-8 based Unicode systems) and you use OpenType versions of fonts such as the latin modern collection then you are in a better position to see similar characters. For mathematics though you probably would want unicode-math (which only works with lualetex or xelatex).

Perhaps you need to be more specific about the TeX variants and Editors and kind of input you want.