[Tex/LaTex] Use Type 1 fonts with XeLaTeX


I read many things about XeLaTeX and I wanted to give it a try, but I wasn't able to figure out how to make use of Type 1 fonts, in my case especially the font Lucida, which I bought from pcTeX (which don't offer OpenType, unlike TUG). In normal LaTeX it was as easy as


I tried a solution as proposed here: Xelatex / Fontspec how to load fonts directly from diskfile (Postscript Type 1 fonts)


but this produces strange errors like

** WARNING ** Obsolete four arguments of "endchar" will be used for Type 1 "seac" operator.
** ERROR ** This font using the "seac" command for accented characters...

Conclusion: Is there an easy way to use Type 1 fonts with XeLaTeX?

MWE for the solution using \setmainfont


Im folgendem Abschnitt wollen die Eigenschaften des Drehimpuls untersuchen,
was uns auf die \emph{Drehimpulsalgebra} führen wird. Als eine fundamentale
Eigenschaft, aus denen wir die meisten Resultate in diesem Abschnitt erzielen
werden ist, dass der Drehimpuls (angular momentum) der infinitesimale Erzeuger
der Rotation ist.


Best Answer

It seems that the umlaut in "führen" is causing the problem. When I change your MWE as follows, it gives me a font substitution warning but otherwise compiles just fine:


Im folgendem Abschnitt wollen die Eigenschaften des Drehimpuls untersuchen,
was uns auf die \emph{Drehimpulsalgebra} fuhren (\verb=<-- umlaut removed=) wird. Als eine fundamentale
Eigenschaft, aus denen wir die meisten Resultate in diesem Abschnitt erzielen
werden ist, dass der Drehimpuls (angular momentum) der infinitesimale Erzeuger
der Rotation ist.

I don't know if this is a XeLaTeX bug or a problem with the Lucida Type 1 fonts.

For more info on this issue, see the following thread from the XeTeX mailing list:


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