[Tex/LaTex] Only number and name of chapter wanted in header


I have the problem, that in my header "chapter" is mentioned, but I only want the chapter number and name to appear.

\documentclass[a4paper, openany]{book}

\titleformat{\chapter}{\normalfont\huge}{\Huge \bf \thechapter}{20pt}{\Huge \bf} %This is here, so that at each chapter start, I only get "chapter number + chapter name"




The right mark works the way I want it to, but the left mark doesn't, since it also lists the word "chapter" explicitly. How can I avoid it?

Best Answer

Since you use titlesec, I suggest you use titleps, which is easier to use than fancyhdr, in my opinion. It allows to define a new page style without using marks with a simple syntax:

\documentclass[a4paper, openany]{book}


\titleformat{\chapter}{\normalfont\huge \bfseries}{\Huge \thechapter}{20pt}{\Huge} %This is here, so that at each chapter start, I only get "chapter number + chapter name"

\sethead[\small\scshape\thechapter. ~\titlecap{\chaptertitle}][][]{}{}{\small\thesection.~\itshape\sectiontitle}



\chapter{A first chapter}
\section{Some section}



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