[Tex/LaTex] How to customize and use the \leftmark and \rightmark commands with custom fancyhdr styles



How can I put the section name in the top right header on every page of my custom style mainmatter, but without the number. I do not want any subsections: ONLY SECTIONS.


First of all, I have an incomplete understanding of the mark commands in LaTeX:

  • \leftmark (higher-level)=whatever this means… sections? chapters?
  • \rightmark (lower-level)=whatever this means… subsections?
  • \markboth

This was taken from chapter 9 The scoop on LaTeX's marks of the fancyhdr documentation version March 2, 2004.

Secondly, I cannot seem to get the \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{#1}} of this question to work.


% !TEX TS-program = XeLaTeX
%    Path= /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/adobe/sourcesanspro/ ,
    Extension = .otf ,
    UprightFont = *-Regular ,
    ItalicFont = *-RegularIt ,
    BoldFont = *-Bold ,
    BoldItalicFont = *-BoldIt ]
%   includeheadfoot,
    head=\baselineskip,  % distance from bottom of header to block of text aka \headsep e.g. \baselineskip
    foot=2.3cm,  % distance from top of footer to block of text aka \footskip
    headheight=12pt,     % height for the header block (no equivalent for footer)
%   heightrounded,       % ensure an integer number of lines
    marginparwidth=2cm,  % right marginal note width
    marginparsep=2mm,    % distance from text block to marginal note box
%   height=\textheight,  % height of the text block
%   width=\textwidth,    % width of the text block
    top=2.5cm,           % distance of the text block from the top of the page
%    showframe,           % show the main blocks
%    verbose,             % show the values of the parameters in the log file


\pagestyle{fancy} % This must be here, because defaults are set and renewcommand for section marks will work.

%Fancyhdr Styles
   \fancyhf{} % clear all fields
   \fancyhf{} % clear all fields
   \lhead{Test Left Header}

Some text about monkeys.
Some text about yacks.
\section{Alpine ibex}
Some text about alpine ibexes.

Best Answer

You have to change \leftmark to \rightmark in the definition of mainmatter pagestyle.

Also you have to nullify the effect of \subsectionmark



% !TEX TS-program = XeLaTeX
%    Path= /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/adobe/sourcesanspro/ ,
    Extension = .otf ,
    UprightFont = *-Regular ,
    ItalicFont = *-RegularIt ,
    BoldFont = *-Bold ,
    BoldItalicFont = *-BoldIt ]
%   includeheadfoot,
    head=\baselineskip,  % distance from bottom of header to block of text aka \headsep e.g. \baselineskip
    foot=2.3cm,  % distance from top of footer to block of text aka \footskip
    headheight=12pt,     % height for the header block (no equivalent for footer)
%   heightrounded,       % ensure an integer number of lines
    marginparwidth=2cm,  % right marginal note width
    marginparsep=2mm,    % distance from text block to marginal note box
%   height=\textheight,  % height of the text block
%   width=\textwidth,    % width of the text block
    top=2.5cm,           % distance of the text block from the top of the page
%    showframe,           % show the main blocks
%    verbose,             % show the values of the parameters in the log file



\pagestyle{fancy} % This must be here, because defaults are set and renewcommand for section marks will work.

%Fancyhdr Styles
   \fancyhf{} % clear all fields
   \fancyhf{} % clear all fields
   \lhead{Test Left Header}

Some text about monkeys.
Some text about yacks.
\section{Alpine ibex}
\subsection{A subsection}
Some text about alpine ibexes.


enter image description here