[Tex/LaTex] New document environment and the tabularx package


I am trying to create a new environment but it gives me some trouble. The compiler keeps telling me that I am missing a } but I don't see where it could be. Here is a code sample. Thanks for your help.

\usepackage{multirow, tabularx}

        \textbf{title} & \textbf{title} & \textbf{title} & \textbf{title} & \textbf{title} & \textbf{title} & \textbf{title}\\\hline

Best Answer

Your environment takes two mandatory arguments, and you additionally specify the entire environment contents as being inside a group of its own. This is not a valid syntax within a tabular (or tabularx) as the group now spans multiple cells. That is, you open the group in one cell, and then close it in another, which is incorrect. The "missing }" error relates to the fact that the first group opened hasn't been properly closed.

The solution is to remove the group inside your environment:

enter image description here


\NewDocumentEnvironment{afskriftFolketaelling}{ m m }
  \noindent\tabularx{\textwidth}{ | X | l | c | c | l | l | l | }
    \multicolumn{7}{|c|}{\textbf{#1}} \\
    \multicolumn{7}{|c|}{#2} \\ \hline
    \textbf{title} & \textbf{title} & \textbf{title} & \textbf{title} & \textbf{title} & \textbf{title} & \textbf{title} \\ \hline

  1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 \\ \hline 

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