[Tex/LaTex] How to include tabularx/y in a new environment


I am looking for a way to define a customizable environment for tables in my latex documents. This means:

  • caption and label
  • width of table
  • customized column format (tabular preamble)

While this seems to be easy for figures, I am desparately looking for a solution for tables. Here is my minimal code example:



  \begin{tabfig}{MyLabel}{MyCaption}{0.8\textwidth}{l >{\centering}X >{\centering}X}
    A & B & C \tabularnewline
    x & y & z \tabularnewline

I have done thorough research for several days by now and also tried \bgroup, \begingroup, \begintabularx, the cprotect package and various other things. Though, I could not come up with something useful in this general case. Folks, I cannot believe I am the first to write a customizable table environment. Is there anybody to light the light?

Best Answer

Try this:



 \begin{tabularx}{0.8\textwidth}{l >{\centering}X >{\centering}X}
    A & B & C \tabularnewline
    x & y & z \tabularnewline

  \begin{tabfig}{MyLabel}{MyCaption}{0.8\textwidth}{l >{\centering}X >{\centering}X}
    A & B & C \tabularnewline
    x & y & z \tabularnewline