[Tex/LaTex] *(n.d.)” in citation call-out – biblatex


I have a problem with the bibliography for my project.

I have the following preamble:

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear,

However, this produces (Author(s), n.d.) in the citation call-out whenever there is no "year" typed in the bib entry. How can I remove this whenever a year is not available.

Best Answer


Will not show the 'n.d.' in case no year is given, it will instead show nothing if the citation is the only work by the author or a letter if there are several works by that author. If you want the title to disambiguate several works by the same author, replace \printfield{extradate} with \iffieldundef{extradate}{}{\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}.