[Tex/LaTex] Multiple choice questions type setting


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See the fourth question: the choices are showing twice one is along horizontal and another is along vertical, but I need only one like the above three. The commands I have used is given below.

\oddsidemargin 0in \evensidemargin 0in \topmargin 0in \textheight
9.2in \textwidth 6.5in
%\hoffset -1in
%\voffset -1in
%\evensidemargin 14pt
\pagestyle{headandfoot} \extraheadheight{.5in} \lhead[]{}
\chead[ \vskip .1in  MATHEMATICS\\
       \textbf{Time: 1 Hour}   \hskip 1.3in  \textsf{ }
       \hfill{\textbf{Max. Marks:30}}\vskip.05in \vskip -.5in]{}
\rhead[]{} \lfoot{David 7502878908} \cfoot{HOME TUITIONS}
\rfoot{\iflastpage{$\maltese\maltese\maltese \maltese
\maltese$}{Continued...\ldots}} \pointsinrightmargin
%    command name
\hfuzz1pc % Don't bother to report overfull boxes if overage is < 1pc

\newcommand{\sqt}[1]{\sqrt{\smash[b] {#1}}}

%    \interval is used to provide better spacing after a [ that
%    is used as a closing delimiter.

%    Notation for an expression evaluated at a particular condition. The
%    optional argument can be used to override automatic sizing of the
%    right vert bar, e.g. \eval[\biggr]{...}_{...}
  \ifx#1\right\relax \left.\fi#2#1\rvert}

%    Enclose the argument in vert-bar delimiters:

%    Enclose the argument in double-vert-bar delimiters:
\newcommand{\pad}[2]{\frac{\der #1}{\der #2}}
\newcommand{\IC}{{\mathbb C}}
\newcommand{\IN}{{\mathbb N}}
\newcommand{\IR}{{\mathbb R}}
\newcommand{\gol}{\mbox{$\,${\rm Log}$\,$}}
\newcommand{\ov}[1]{\overline{\smash[b] {#1}}}

    %usage \choice{ }{ }{ }{ }
            (a)~#1 & (b)~#2 & (c)~#3 & (d)~#4


            (A)~#1 & (B)~#2
            (C)~#3 & (D)~#4

          (A)~#1 \par (B)~#2 \par (C)~#3 \par (D)~#4





        \question What is your favourite color?
    \onech{cjfije}{nkwjfl}{vvkji}{ n ejok}
    \question nci jifj
    \twoch{nknfi}{nvsjijp}{msj8j}{n vuhjkd}
    \question kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
    \question what is your favourite fruit?


I think there is a wrong in the following redefinition..



Kindly correct it and tell me how to identify the correct choice and to print in a separate sheet.

Best Answer

In order to perform a length test using ifthen you need to explicitly state it:


where ? is one of <, = or >. I've adopted a more old-school way of testing dimensions using \ifdim:


enter image description here