[Tex/LaTex] Multiple authors emails problem


I have multiple authors emails on my paper with the same domain and i need to divide the line below on two lines as it is too long, any help?


\title{any title}
\author{John kamdreen,John kamdreen,John kamdreen,John kamdreen,%
  John kamdreen,John kamdreen,John kamdreen}
\institute{Center John kamdreen John kamdreen Research\\

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Best Answer

As @JosephWright has pointed out in his answer, if you all you want are the braces (i.e., { and }), then you do not need to use \left and \right. However, if you want the behavior of the delimiters then:

When using delimiters (i.e., \left\{ and \right\}), you cannot put line breaks inside of them. One way around this it to embed the text between the delimiters inside of a varwidth environment. (minipage works, too, but varwidth automatically sets the width of the environment to the width of the content, i.e., setting the width to 12cm will still only set the width of the varwidth environment to the width of the longest line, "John.kamdreen,John.kamdreen,John.kamdreen,John.kamdreen"; see the varwidth documentation.)

If you put such an environment inside the delimiters, then you can use manual line breaks inside of that environment:



\title{any title}
\author{John kamdreen,John kamdreen,John kamdreen,John kamdreen,John kamdreen,John kamdreen,John kamdreen}
\institute{Center John kamdreen John kamdreen Research\\ $\left\{\begin{varwidth}{12cm}\centering John.kamdreen,John.kamdreen,John.kamdreen,\\John.kamdreen,John.kamdreen,John.kamdreen,John.kamdreen\end{varwidth}\right\}$@dalton.edu.au} 




enter image description here

Note that I've added \centering to center the first line of email addresses. You could remove this if you wish to do so.