[Tex/LaTex] How to Enter Address in LyX in this form


I am currently in article AMS document class. In LyX I'd like to enter my name and address in the following form:

enter image description here

Note that there's not a large gap between the author's name and the address. I would prefer not to include the address in the author section (since I am creating a 2-sided document whose headers alternate between a short title and the author).

In LyX I have two options that I am aware of:

  1. Use Address mode in Front Matter. The problem with this is that it includes the address at the end of the document.

  2. Enter it manually. I enter the address in standard mode then center it but there's still too much spacing between the author and the address (e.g., when I put .1 cm of vertical space, I get over an inch of space in the PDF).

How can I enter my address so that it appears as in the picture above AND does not part of Author? If I need to directly change the source code (i.e., editing the preamble, settings or entering an ERT), please include some detail on how I can go about that.



 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.

 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
 \title[Short version]{Long version}





 \address{Address }\maketitle


Best Answer

To have the ultimate control over where this content is displayed and whether/not it ends up elsewhere in the document, I would patch \@maketitle in the Document > Settings... > LaTeX Preamble using etoolbox:


\patchcmd{\@maketitle}% <cmd>
  {\ifx\@empty\@dedicatory}% <search>
    \footnotesize% Size of the address content
      Department of Who Cares \\
      University of Nowhere \\
      Randomville, RND
  \ifx\@empty\@dedicatory}% <replace>
  {}{}% <success><failure>

The above patch inserts the address just after setting the authors - \@setauthors - and just before the dedicatory - \@dedicatory. Note that some other packages may redefine \@maketitle. This patch works under the default definition of \@maketitle, which forms part of amsart.

enter image description here

enter image description here

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