[Tex/LaTex] Most Efficient Way of Creating Left Aligned Item/Equation List


What is the best way to achieve a list where items are seamlessly aligned either left, centered, or right. I am more so interested in the items being left aligned, (for instance a series or (system) of equations). I have an equation "E" and want to create a left aligned list describing what the variables represent or equal to as shown in the example below.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I would do this using an itemized list:

enter image description here

If you want the terms left aligned instead, you can use the [align=left, leftmargin=<length>, labelwidth=\widthof{<widest_term>}] options to produce:

enter image description here


  • I used the geometry package and the adjusted the paperwidth= so that the wrapping of the lines can more easily be seen.



The final equation is:
\[ x= (m*n)+P+Q \]
  \item [$x$] is some really long explanation of this value 
  \item [$n$] is the value of 
  \item [$m$] is the value of
  \item [$P$] is the value of
  \item [$Q$] is the value of

The final equation is:
\[ x= (m*n)+P+Q \]
  \item [$x$] is some really long explanation of this value 
  \item [$m*n$] is the their product
  \item [$P+Q$] is the their sum