[Tex/LaTex] More efficient way to draw movement arrow to roof in tikz-qtree


When drawing syntactic representations in linguistics, one often uses a triangle to represent a unit whose internal structure is irrelevant. This can be accomplished with the tikz-qtree command \edge[roof]; {John}.

Now, sometimes I need to show the movement of such a unit whose internal structure is irrelevant to the point at hand. To do this, I usually make use of the positioning library, and define a node relative to the node above the triangle, like so:


\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center, anchor=north}}


    [.\node(DP1-rel){DP}; \edge[roof]; {John} ]
        [.T ]
            [.\node(DP2-rel){DP}; \edge[roof]; {$<$John$>$} ]
                    [.V \node(V1){likes}; ]
                    [.\emph{v} ]
                    [.V \node(V2){$<$likes$>$}; ]
                    [.DP \edge[roof]; {Mary} ]
\node (DP1) [below=1cm of DP1-rel] {};
\node (DP2) [below=1cm of DP2-rel] {};
\draw[->] (DP2)..controls +(south west:1) and +(south:1)..(DP1);
\draw[->] (V2)..controls +(south:1) and +(south:1)..(V1);



Is there an easier/better way to do this, where I don't have to define a relative node each time I need to move a unit whose internal structure is irrelevant (i.e., whose structure I'm representing with a triangle, using the tikz-qtree command \edge[roof]; {John})?

Best Answer

You can just make the text of the roof a node. (I also simplified the arrow syntax a bit.)


\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center, anchor=north}}


    [.DP \edge[roof]; \node (J) {John}; ]
        [.T ]
            [.DP \edge[roof]; \node (Jtrace) {$<$John$>$}; ]
                    [.V \node(V1){likes}; ]
                    [.\emph{v} ]
                    [.V \node(V2){$<$likes$>$}; ]
                    [.DP \edge[roof]; {Mary} ]

\draw[->] (Jtrace) [in=-90,out=-90,looseness=1.5]  to (J);
\draw[->] (V2) [in=-90,out=-90]  to (V1);


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