[Tex/LaTex] Modify CambridgeUS theme in beamer


I'm using CambridgeUS theme in my beamer presentation:

\documentclass[landscape]{beamer}                           % COMANDI INIZIALI
\usepackage[italian]{babel}                             % sillabazione italiana
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}                             % Per le lettere accentate IN UNIX E IN WINDOWS
\usepackage{ragged2e}                                   % giustifica
\usepackage{amsmath}                                    % Per allineare le equazioni
\usepackage{amssymb}                                    % Per le lettere dell'indicatrice (mathbb)
\usepackage{graphicx}                                   % Per le figure

\renewcommand{\fontsubfuzz}{1.1pt}                          % Elimina i warning inutili

\justifying                                         % giustifica

\date{29 Aprile 2015}
\author{Gabriele Mazza}
\title{Regressione con regolarizzazioni differenziali per dati spazio-temporali, con applicazione all'analisi della produzione di rifiuti urbani nella provincia di Venezia}


%Frame del titolo


How can I change it, having only two blocks at the bottom of the frame (with the same colors of the blocks on top), the first one with the author, the second with date (and number of frames)?

Best Answer

CambridgeUS theme uses infolines outer theme which design head and footlines. Footline template is defined with:

\defbeamertemplate*{footline}{infolines theme}
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.333333\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex,center]{author in head/foot}%
    \usebeamerfont{author in head/foot}\insertshortauthor\expandafter\beamer@ifempty\expandafter{\beamer@shortinstitute}{}{~~(\insertshortinstitute)}
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.333333\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex,center]{title in head/foot}%
    \usebeamerfont{title in head/foot}\insertshorttitle
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.333333\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex,right]{date in head/foot}%
    \usebeamerfont{date in head/foot}\insertshortdate{}\hspace*{2em}
    \insertframenumber{} / \inserttotalframenumber\hspace*{2ex} 

which declares three boxes for author, title and date and number. If you just want two, copy this definition and adapt it to your taste in your main file:

\documentclass[landscape]{beamer}                           % COMANDI INIZIALI
\usepackage[italian]{babel}                             % sillabazione italiana
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}                             % Per le lettere accentate IN UNIX E IN WINDOWS
\usepackage{ragged2e}                                   % giustifica
\usepackage{amsmath}                                    % Per allineare le equazioni
\usepackage{amssymb}                                    % Per le lettere dell'indicatrice (mathbb)
\usepackage{graphicx}                                   % Per le figure

\renewcommand{\fontsubfuzz}{1.1pt}                          % Elimina i warning inutili

\justifying                                         % giustifica

\date{29 Aprile 2015}
\author{Gabriele Mazza}
\title{Regressione con regolarizzazioni differenziali per dati spazio-temporali, con applicazione all'analisi della produzione di rifiuti urbani nella provincia di Venezia}

  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.5\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex,center]{author in head/foot}%
    \usebeamerfont{author in head/foot}\insertshortauthor\expandafter\beamer@ifempty\expandafter{\beamer@shortinstitute}{}{~~(\insertshortinstitute)}
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.5\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex,right]{date in head/foot}%
    \usebeamerfont{date in head/foot}\insertshortdate{}\hspace*{2em}
    \insertframenumber{} / \inserttotalframenumber\hspace*{2ex} 


%Frame del titolo


enter image description here

If background color for right boxes in head and footlines has to be changed, we need to look again in infolines theme which colors are used.

Right headline box uses subsection in head/foot while date in head/foot is used in footline. We just want to change background color for these boxes and replace it for frametitle.bg one. This can be done inserting

\setbeamercolor{date in head/foot}{use=frametitle, bg=frametitle.bg}
\setbeamercolor{subsection in head/foot}{use=framtitle, bg=frametitle.bg}

in our preamble.

enter image description here