[Tex/LaTex] Missing $ inserted $. natbib


I have problem with my bibliography. I try to figure out what was happening for tree days.. but I have no idea (I am new in latex) and I am using overleaft.
please help me

Now I have this error:


 Missing $ inserted.

<inserted text> 
 l.11 ...1786321_Intercalators_as_Anticancer_Drugs}

this is my code

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, oneside, onecolumn, openany]{book}

\setlength{\parskip}{\medskipamount} \setlength{\parindent}{0em}





































\usepackage[a4paper, top=3cm, bottom=2cm, left=2cm, right=3cm]{geometry}





unicode=true,          % non-Latin characters in Acrobat’s bookmarks

pdftoolbar=true,        % show Acrobat’s toolbar

pdfmenubar=true,        % show Acrobat’s menu?

pdffitwindow=true,      % page fit to window when opened

pdftitle={XXX},    % title

pdfauthor={XXX},     % author

pdfsubject={XXX},   % subject of the document

pdfnewwindow=true,      % links in new window

pdfkeywords={keywords}, % list of keywords

colorlinks=true,       % false: boxed links; true: colored links

linkcolor=cyan,          % color of internal links


citecolor=black,        % color of links to bibliography

filecolor=green,      % color of file links








\acresetall % Reset acronyms - they'll be displayed in full again

















\acresetall % Reset acronyms - they'll be displayed in full again




\include{4-structure protein}










I don't have bbl file, but
I have different files as Zotero.bib, agsm.bst , alpha.bst, gla-thesis.sty, newPlain.bst, plain.bst, texcount.pl, url.sty.

what can I do?

Best Answer

You can't have a_b anywhere in your TeX document, including when TeX tries to compile the bibliography, except in math mode (i.e. $a_b$ is OK).

You have two basic choices: 1) as suggested above, wrap the offending bibtex entry \url{a_b} if it is indeed a url. 2) If not, you can simply escape the underscore in the bibtex entry a\_b.