[Tex/LaTex] Misplaced alignment tab character &


Get that error when i use \listofnomenclature{ll}
it is defined as so in the Thesis.cls file

      \MakeUppercase\listnomenclature}    {\MakeUppercase\listnomenclature}}

use case:



\textbf{AC} & \textbf{A}lternating \textbf{C}urrent\\

A minimal example can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/crwqkoiqr8crldj/AACGzMkXZEOViP0pnO1zhTs1a?dl=0

i have used this in a previous project and it worked fine..

Best Answer

for some weird reason, it works by removing the spaces.

{\textbf{AC} & \textbf{A}lternating \textbf{C}urrent\\}

interesting though, the text output is always centered, even when using \raggedright..why is it always centered?