[Tex/LaTex] MikTex update caused battery direction to change in circuitikz


I have been using MikTex for several years and am familiar with the circuitikz package. I know that if I code a battery as such

\draw (0, 0) to [battery1] (2, 0);

the positive side (long side) will be on the right side of the battery. Within the past 6 months I noticed that my battery directions had changed. Meaning that the above code would produce a battery with the positive side on the left. Besides drawing the battery backwards, does anyone know of an elegant solution?

Best Answer

Having a look at the circuitikz manual this change was made due to an update of the circuitikz package:

Version 0.7 (2016-09-08)

– Fixed/rotated battery symbol (longer lines by default positive voltage)