Change Circuitikz vsource current arrow direction



I want to meet the following specifications with Circuitikz:

  • Technical current direction (+ to -)
  • Electric field voltage
  • European symbols but american style power sources


I already achieved most of the requirements but I have some struggle with the vsource, since its current direction points in the wrong direction in my case. I know that this is actually the correct behavior, since a producer always has anticipating voltage and current arrows, but using the invert option on the vsource only inverts its shape / polarity signs but not "the whole thing".






    \draw (0,0)
    to[american voltage source,  i=$I_0$, v=$U_0$, invert] (0,3)
    to[short] (1,3)
    to[R=$R_{Shunt}$, i=$I_0$, v=$U_S$] (3,3)
    to[short, -o] (4,3);
    \draw (0,0) to[short, -o] (4,0);
    \draw [dashed, gray] (4,3) to[R=$R_L$, i=$I_0$] (4,0);



How can I achieve an american style voltage source, where + is facing upwards and the current is flowing in technical current direction?

I thought about reversing vsource's "path direction" but there has to be a better / cleaner solution, isn't it?

Reversing vsource path direction

path direction reversed

    \draw (0,3)
    to[american voltage source,  i=$I_0$, v=$U_0$] (0,0)
    (0,3) to[short] (1,3)
    to[R=$R_{Shunt}$, i=$I_0$, v=$U_S$] (3,3)
    to[short, -o] (4,3);
    \draw (0,0) to[short, -o] (4,0);
    \draw [dashed, gray] (4,3) to[R=$R_L$, i=$I_0$] (4,0);

Hope someone has a clean solution for my question and many thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You can control the shape, the current position/direction, and the voltage position/direction in a quite independent way. Look at (for currents, but the same stands for voltages) or this example:

%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % this is default since 2018
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}% this is highly recommended

\usepackage[european, EFvoltages, siunitx]{circuitikz}

    \draw (0,0) to[american voltage source,  i=$I_0$, v=$U_0$, invert] ++(0,3);
    \draw (3,0) to[american voltage source,  i^<=$I_0$, v<=$U_0$, invert] ++(0,3);
    \draw (6,0) to[american voltage source,  i<^=$I_0$, v_=$U_0$, ] ++(0,3);
    \draw (9,0) to[american voltage source,  i^<=$I_0$, l=$U_0$, invert] ++(0,3);

Notice that for the current, switching <^ to ^< will move the current from one side to the other.

enter image description here