[Tex/LaTex] Markers (xtick) in PGFplots with higher precision



The following MWE shows a figure with all identical axis markers (because the scale is too narrow). The option xtick has not "high enough precision".

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MWE Code

I did not find a suiting example in the pgfplots package manual – maybe I did not read/think long enough…
I am not sure what option should be entered in the axis environment.


\begin{axis}[every minor tick]
\addplot coordinates{(0.999,2e-2) (1.001,12) };


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Best Answer

Based on Umz's comment, the following code solves the problem.


\begin{axis}[every minor tick,
  x tick label style={
    /pgf/number format/.cd,
    fixed zerofill,
\addplot coordinates{(0.999,2e-2) (1.001,12) };


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