[Tex/LaTex] Manually edit chapter for one page with fancyhdr






\chapter*{List of Symbols}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Symbols}

My list of symbols is already two pages long. The problem: on the second page header it does not say "List of Symbols" but "List of Tables". If I use \chapter instead of \chapter* the chapter will be numbered eventhough it shouldn't be numbered. Any ideas on how to manually change the "current chapter" for fancyhdr on this single page?

Best Answer

I'd advise against using fancyhdr with the memoir document class, as the class already provides a similar functionality to updating the headers/footers.

In order to obtain the appropriate header for your List of Symbols, use

\chapter*[List of Symbols]{List of Symbols}

The optional argument for \chapter also changes the header (or chapter mark).