[Tex/LaTex] Chaptername in header except for Chapter page using fancyhdr


I am trying to achieve a header that displays topic, chapter and page number on every page except on pages where a new chapter begins. In that case the chapter space should be empty.

I use fancyhdr and tried the following:

\documentclass[fontsize=12pt, paper=a4, headinclude, twoside=false, parskip=half+, pagesize=auto, numbers=noenddot, open=right, toc=listof, toc=bibliography]{scrreprt}

\lhead{\itshape BA TOPIC}

%define header style for chapter pages
    \fancyhead[L]{\itshape{BA THEMA}}




%ToC etc


% actual Content


now i get the topic+pagenumber header for my chapter pages, but also for the ToC, and more important – i dont get any of the following pages to display the corresponding chapter name in its header.

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Try this code:

\lhead{\itshape BA TOPIC}

\usepackage{lipsum}    %% for dummy text



%ToC etc


%define header style for chapter pages and put it here
    \fancyhead[L]{\itshape{BA THEMA}}
% actual Content
\section{Some section}
\section{Some other section}


You can define a fancy page style like:

\fancyhead[L]{<your settings>}
\fancyhead[C]{<your settings>}
\fancyhead[R]{<your settings>}
\fancyfoot[L]{<your settings>}
\fancyfoot[C]{<your settings>}
\fancyfoot[R]{<your settings>}

and use it as \pagestyle{myfancy}. But if you want to change the page style of chapter pages, you should do it by changing the plain style as shown above.

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