[Tex/LaTex] Making an anti-clockwise circled arrow around a + sign in a math environment


\tikz [x=1.0ex,y=1.0ex,line width=.15ex, draw=black]%
\draw [->,anchor=center]%
node (0,0) {#1}%
(0,1.2\@SizeOfCirc) arc (-90:180:1.2\@SizeOfCirc);%

This being in the premeable and the code below used in the document,

\CricArrowRight{+}\sum M_{z})_{o}&=0

what I have produced is this,

enter image description here

but what I need to produce is the following:

enter image description here

Could you please help me write the equation above properly?

Best Answer

The arc starts at (0, 1.2\@SizeOfCirc), which is above the + sign. As you want it to start below the +, simply change the arc to start at (0, -1.2\@SizeOfCirc). This gives the following result:


To position the symbol such that the + is aligned correctly, you'll have to change the baseline option of \tikz to baseline=-\the\dimexpr\fontdimen22\textfont2\relax, as described in this answer. The result then looks like this:

End result

The complete code:



\tikz [x=1.0ex,y=1.0ex,line width=.15ex, draw=black, baseline=-\the\dimexpr\fontdimen22\textfont2\relax]%
\draw [->,anchor=center]%
node (0,0) {#1}%
(0,-1.2\@SizeOfCirc) arc (-90:180:1.2\@SizeOfCirc);

    \CricArrowRight{+} \sum M_{z})_{o}=0