[Tex/LaTex] Make subitem behave like a nested itemize


Is it possible to make \subitem work like a nested itemize? For example, this is what I want the output to look like:

enter image description here


    \item Lorem ipsum dolor
    \item[] \blindtext

    \item Lorem ipsum dolor
    \item[] \blindtext


But can I achieve a similar layout using just \subitem? Specifically I need the lines following the first line of the subitem to be 'in-line' with the first line.

enter image description here


    \item Lorem ipsum dolor
    \subitem \blindtext

    \item Lorem ipsum dolor
    \subitem \blindtext


My motivation for asking is because using just \subitem is quicker to type than doing a nested \begin{itemize}\end{itemize}. And I have many bullet points in this style to type.

Best Answer

As far as I can see there are no nested lists here, just a specification of the paragraph shape for paragraphs within an item, something like

enter image description here



    \item Lorem ipsum dolor


    \item Lorem ipsum dolor




To answer the question in the title, you could of course define \subitem to do anything you want, but the default definition isn't really related to \item from itemize Unlike \item, it is not defined in core latex; it is defined in article class as part of its support for indices, this is generated by makeindex for subitems (and similarly for subsubitems) in an index.