[Tex/LaTex] beamer to show nested-subitem when all (non-nested) items covered


I am trying to get an alternating highlighting effect between \itemize items and subitems (which are just nested itemize items), but there is an issue in that when all of the non-nested items are hidden the nested subitem fails to show. The desired effect is that:

  • Overlay #1: the non-nested items will be initially shown in full opacity while the nested subitem will be initially shown as transparent
  • Overlay #2: the non-nested items are hidden as transparent items, while the nested sub-item is shown in full opacity
  • Overlay #3: all items are shown in full opacity

A minimal working example to reproduce the issue (using code that reflects what I'm trying to achieve):


Note that the issue seems to be specifically at the last non-nested item before the nested itemize environment. I.e., the issue above is that the sub-item fails perform the overlay spec of appearing at slide #2, but this spec works in the example below when the non-nested item above it is also displayed during slide #2 (instead of above where it is hidden during slide #2):

        \item<1->{outside}  % <---- this is the difference from above

Best Answer

Include \visible with your \items


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