[Tex/LaTex] Make lens aperture in Tikz


I want to make a lens aperture with different f numbers(sizes of the holes). I started with this code but it wont make it look like a complete aperture. Appreciate any help.



\begin{frame}{Aperture image}

\clip (0,0) circle(1);
\draw[thick] (0,0) circle(1);
\foreach \r in {0,40,...,360}
\filldraw[fill = black!80,draw = white,thick, rotate = \r] (-3,-1) rectangle (-0.5,1);

The current output is looking like this.
enter image description here

Best Answer

You could draw triangles instead of rectangles:

  \clip (0,0) circle (1);
  \foreach \r in {0,40,...,320}
    \fill[black!80,rotate=\r] (-0.5,1) -- (-0.5,-0.13) --++ (130:1) -- cycle;

enter image description here