[Tex/LaTex] Make Bibliography part and Conclusions part appear in the same page


I have a part of the document where the Conclusions and then the Bibliography are exposed, just as I show here:

enter image description here

Conclusions is introduced with this code:


Here we outline the principal conclusions of the work presented:

Bibliography is introduced with this code:

(final line of the written Conclusions)

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliografía}   %%% This two lines are added in order that the Bibliography part appear in the index as "Bibliografía", and the page.


The clearpage followed by the \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliografía} is necessary in order to make Bibliografía appear in the index, with its page.

I would like the Bibliografía part start just after the last line of Conclusions, and also having Bibliografía……….page in the index.

How should the upper codes be modified in order to achieve this ?

Here is my preamble:

\parindent 1 true cm
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\thechapter .\ #1}{}}             
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection .\ #1}{}}
\fancyhead[LE]{{\sf \leftmark}}                             
\fancyhead[RO]{{\sf \rightmark}}


Best Answer

\clearpage must be \relaxed in order to prevent the \clearpage call of \bibliography.

The command \addcontentsline should appear in almost any case after the sectioning command, i.e. \chapter* or \bibliography. If hyperref is used, there should be a \phantomsection before the sectioning command.

Hint: You can use \bibname in order to use the name of your bibliography in the corresponding language (Spanish in your case) automatically.

\parindent 1 true cm

%%% Other packages here






enter image description here