[Tex/LaTex] list of symbols with glossaries package: space between symbol and description


I am using the glossaries package to make a list of symbols. Is there a simple way to manipulate the space between the symbol and the description?


\newglossary[slg]{symbolslist}{syi}{syg}{List of Symbols}

description={Band energy in momentum space.},


We will refer to the band structure as \gls{symb:band_energy}.

\printglossary[type=symbolslist, nonumberlist]


I like to increase the space between \epsilon_k and the description.

Best Answer

One way is to define a new glossary style and use it instead of the predefined you are using (list).

So you can define a new style based on list in this way:

       \hspace{1cm}##3\glspostdescription\space ##5}%

Note \hspace{1cm}. Change that value to modify the spacing.

At printing time, now you have to use

\printglossary[style=mystyle,type=symbolslist, nonumberlist]

Thus, modifying your MWE to


\newglossary[slg]{symbolslist}{syi}{syg}{List of Symbols}


       \hspace{1cm}##3\glspostdescription\space ##5}%


description={Band energy in momentum space.},


We will refer to the band structure as \gls{symb:band_energy}.

\printglossary[style=mystyle,type=symbolslist, nonumberlist]


will give:

enter image description here


If you need \glspostdescription to be empty only for the newly defined style, you can incorporate \renewcommand*{\glspostdescription}{} in the new style definition:

       \hspace{1cm}##3\glspostdescription\space ##5}%

or even better, since we are redefining \glossaryentryfield, completely remove \glspostdescription from its definition:

       \hspace{1cm}##3\space ##5}%