[Tex/LaTex] Glossaries | style index | spacing between gls name and description


I am using the Glossaries package with the style index to build my abbreviations and symbols list. So far, my solution is working (almost) fine but I am facing one problem. With the index style, there is just a blank between the gls entry name and the gls description which does not look suitable for me.

Glossary with index style

Is it possible to adjust the gls entry description on the left side equally for each entry with this style?

I would like to have it like this but with the same vertical spacing like the index style:

Glossary with alttree style

I tried different styles, table styles (longtable) as well which solved this problem but opened other problems (vertical spacing). Therefore, the index style is currently the best style for me.

Also I tried to add some horizontal spacing with the following code which just moved the description to the right but did not adjust the description:

\renewcommand{\glsnamefont}[1]{\textbf{\bfseries #1 \quad}}

Attached my main.tex:









\printglossary[type=\acronymtype,style=index,title=Abkürzungsverzeichnis] % index indexgroup alttreegroup

\printglossary[type=symbolslist,style=index,title=Symbolverzeichnis] % index alttree

\makeatletter \renewcommand{\@dotsep}{1} \makeatother





Here the glossaries part of my documentclass DissOnlineLatex.cls


%\renewcommand{\glsnamefont}[1]{\textbf{\bfseries #1}}


        \\ \glossentrydesc{##1} \\ \par

\newglossary[slg]{symbolslist}{syi}{syg}{} % create add. symbolslist

Here a part of the defined abbreviations:

\newacronym{a:d.h.}{d.h.}{das heißt}
\newacronym{a:DIN}{DIN}{Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V.}

Best Answer

I found an appropriate solution. I am now using the alttree style and added

\renewcommand{\glossarypreamble}{\glsfindwidesttoplevelname[\acronymtype] \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}

in my .cls document class. Compared to my .cls class above, I have now the following glossaries block:


\renewcommand{\glossarypreamble}{\glsfindwidesttoplevelname[\acronymtype] \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}} % <--------- THAT IS THE KEY, NOW USING alttree style.


        \\ \glossentrydesc{##1} \\ \par

\newglossary[slg]{symbolslist}{syi}{syg}{} % create add. symbolslist

In my main.tex, I am using the alttree style:









\printglossary[type=\acronymtype,style=alttree,title=Abkürzungsverzeichnis] % index indexgroup alttreegroup

\printglossary[type=symbolslist,style=alttree,title=Symbolverzeichnis] % index alttree

\makeatletter \renewcommand{\@dotsep}{1} \makeatother




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