[Tex/LaTex] Lightning bolt in tikz


I would like to include a small lightning bolt in a tikz diagram that I have. Is there something in an existing tikz library that I can use? I couldn't find anything in the tikz manual.

I'm using the IEEEtran package and submitting to an IEEE publication, so I'm not sure what happens if I use one from this list. I like the style of what's in the marvosym package.

Effectively, I'm looking for a symbol to insert instead of the circle in the diagram below:


      \draw[very thick] (1.0, 2) -- (4.5,2);
      \draw (5,2) circle[x radius=0.5, y radius=0.5];
      \draw[very thick] (5.5, 2) -- (8.5,2);
      \draw[thick,->] (5,1) -- (5,2) node[below, pos=0] {Insert bolt symbol here};

EDIT: Clarification: I'm not looking for someone to help me draw such a symbol with draw or path (I can always do that), I'm more interested in learning about a library that would be useful in cases such as this.

Best Answer

Sorry but I still don't understand what's the problem with this:



      \draw[very thick] (1.0, 2) -- (4.5,2);
      \node at (5,2) {\Huge\Lightning};
      \draw[very thick] (5.5, 2) -- (8.5,2);

enter image description here

Under Document Properties-Fonts in PDF-XChange Viewer we can see:

enter image description here

So I suppose you won't have any problem submitting it to IEEE.