[Tex/LaTex] Legend referencing in caption *and* externalization


I am trying to make a reference to a plot inside a figure's caption
while using the externalize library.

The issue of plot reference using externalization has already been
raised in this question.
I decided notto externalize the references images and defined the
following command:


Then, the following code with the reference outside the caption works :


\tikzexternalize[prefix=tikz/,shell escape=-enable-write18]



  \tikzset{external/remake next}

    1 4   
    2 4.2 
    3 3.1 
    4 2.5 


\addplot table[x index=0,y index=1]{\table};\label{LAB}

  \caption{You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance.}

Xyzzy ! \plotref{LAB} happens.


I have seen in this question
that legend in caption are normally possible.
However, the following code with the reference inside the caption does not work :


\tikzexternalize[prefix=tikz/,shell escape=-enable-write18]



  \tikzset{external/remake next}

    1 4   
    2 4.2 
    3 3.1 
    4 2.5 


\addplot table[x index=0,y index=1]{\table};\label{LAB}

  \caption{Xyzzy ! \plotref{LAB} happens.}

You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance.


It raises the following error message

! Incomplete \iffalse; all text was ignored after line 35.


that I fail to interpret.

An alternative to not externalizing the small reference images has
been proposed in this question
but I did not understand how to implement it and don't know if this
would solve my problem.

Do you know how to make plot references in caption and use
externalization ?

Side note: it sometimes simpler and more effective to do things manually. See this question for similar results, not automatic but somehow more straightforward.

Best Answer

You should write \protect\plotref{LAB} in your caption. I suppose that it is an expansion issue; your \plotref command is "fragile" in terms of LaTeX, and "fragile" commands need to be \protected inside of captions, section titles etc.