[Tex/LaTex] Left aligning and breaking equations in cases environment


I have a equation that needs to be left aligned within the cases environment. Here's my code so far, which does not work:




u_i^{k+1}(x)=\arg \min_{u} \Bigg\{
{}& \lambda\sum_{i=1}^{N}\int_{\Omega} r_i(x)u_i(x)\diff x 
+ \frac{\gamma}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{N}\int_{\Omega} \left( u_i(x)-m(x) \right)^2\diff x 
+ \frac{\mu}{2}\int_{\Omega} \left( u_i(x)-m(x) \right)^2\diff x
f'(x_{0})=0 \text{ : } z=f(x_{0}) \text{ is de horizontale raaklijn.}
\lim_{x\to x_{0}} f'(x)=\pm\infty \text{ : } x=x_{0} \text{ is de verticale raaklijn.}
g(x_{0}){R}_{0} \text{ : } z-f(x_{0})=f'(x_{0})\cdot(x-x_{0})
  \text{ is de raaklijn.}


My wrong output is:
enter image description here

I'm trying to get output like this:

enter image description here

This is my expected result

enter image description here

Thanks egreg. I found that when equation is so long (we cut it before), the equation number will automatically locate in bottom. Could we can relocate it in middle?





=\frac{-\lambda r_i(x)+\gamma \bigl( r_i(x)+b_i(x)\bigr)+\gamma \bigl( \alpha-\beta\bigr)}{\theta}\\
 -\frac{\sigma \bigl( -\lambda\int_{i=1}^N r_i(x) \diff x + \sigma\sum_{i=1}^N \bigl( r_i(x)-b_i(x)\bigr) +\gamma N \bigl( 1-r_i(x)\bigr)\bigr)}{\gamma\bigl( \sigma N -1\bigr)},
f'(x_{0})=0 : z=f(x_{0}) \text{ is de horizontale raaklijn.}
\lim_{x\to x_{0}} f'(x)=\pm\infty : x=x_{0} \text{ is de verticale raaklijn.}
g(x_{0}){R}_{0} : z-f(x_{0})=f'(x_{0})\cdot(x-x_{0})
  \text{ is de raaklijn.}
This is text

enter image description here

Best Answer

I'd suggest using mathtools and its dcases and multlined environments.

I propose two solutions; the first avoids an ambiguity in your formulas, where the same index is used both as a bound and a free variable; the second one is similar to yours.

I removed the unnecessary \left and \right; changed \Bigg into \biggl and \biggr; changed \text{ : } into simple colons; defined \argmin.





  \frac{\mu}{2}\int\limits_{\Omega} (u_j(x)-m(x))^2\diff x \\
     \lambda\int\limits_{\Omega} r_i(x)u_i(x)\diff x 
     + \frac{\gamma}{2}\int\limits_{\Omega} (u_i(x)-m(x))^2\diff x
f'(x_{0})=0 : z=f(x_{0}) \text{ is de horizontale raaklijn.}
\lim_{x\to x_{0}} f'(x)=\pm\infty : x=x_{0} \text{ is de verticale raaklijn.}
g(x_{0}){R}_{0} : z-f(x_{0})=f'(x_{0})\cdot(x-x_{0})
  \text{ is de raaklijn.}

  \lambda\sum_{i=1}^{N}\int_{\Omega} r_i(x)u_i(x)\diff x \\
  &\quad+ \frac{\gamma}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{N}\int_{\Omega} (u_i(x)-m(x))^2\diff x 
  + \frac{\mu}{2}\int_{\Omega} (u_i(x)-m(x))^2\diff x
f'(x_{0})=0 : z=f(x_{0}) \text{ is de horizontale raaklijn.}
\lim_{x\to x_{0}} f'(x)=\pm\infty : x=x_{0} \text{ is de verticale raaklijn.}
g(x_{0}){R}_{0} : z-f(x_{0})=f'(x_{0})\cdot(x-x_{0})
  \text{ is de raaklijn.}


enter image description here