[Tex/LaTex] Left align abstract, title and authors in amsart class


I would like to re-align my title, authors and their addresses to the left of the document in amsart class. I found an example, but it did not work.




\setlength{\parskip}{3pt plus1pt minus1pt} 


\title[Title of the manuscript goes here]{\textbf{Title of the manuscript goes here}}
\author[Author1, Author2]{Author1$^a$ \and Author2$^b$ \vspace{0.58cm}
\\ \small
$^a$Department of Industrial Engineering, \\
author1@mmmm.edu \vspace{0.1cm} \\
$^b$Department of Mathematics\\
author2@mmmm.edu \vspace{0.4cm} \\
\textit{(Received: $\mathit{18}$ March $\mathit{2011}$; Accepted: $\mathit{8}$ July $\mathit{2011}$; Available Online: $\mathit{30}$ August $\mathit{2011}$})}

\thanks{E-mail addresses. mmmmmmmm}



\textbf{Keywords: }{First keyword; second keyword; ... ; fifth keyword}

\textbf{AMS Classification:} Find your AMS Code from \url{http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/msc/msc2010.html}





I found some command for the article class command for article.cls

Best Answer

It's a question of changing center for the title into flushleft and \centering for the author field into \raggedright.





\patchcmd{\abstract}{3pc}{0pt}{}{} % remove indentation


\title{Title of the manuscript goes here}
\author[Author1, Author2]{Author1$^a$ \and Author2$^b$ \vspace{0.58cm}
\\ \small
$^a$Department of Industrial Engineering, \\
author1@mmmm.edu \vspace{0.1cm} \\
$^b$Department of Mathematics\\
author2@mmmm.edu \vspace{0.4cm} \\
\textit{(Received: 18 March 2011; 
  Accepted: 8 July 2011;
  Available Online: 30 August 2011})}

\thanks{E-mail addresses. mmmmmmmm}


\keywords{First keyword; second keyword; ... ; fifth keyword}
\subjclass{Find your AMS Code from \url{http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/msc/msc2010.html}}





enter image description here

Please note that $\mathit{18}$ is not necessary: those are not numbers in their arithmetical sense, but just words.