[Tex/LaTex] Authors in amsart


Is there any way of having a nicely formatted authors section in amsart?

By nicely formated I mean something like here:

Best Answer

This is perhaps sub-optimal, but it reproduces the desired output:

enter image description here

\documentclass{amsart}% http://www.ctan.org/pkg/amsart
\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum
  More than one Author with different Affiliations \par \bigskip

  Author A\footnote{Author A}\textsuperscript{1}, Author B\footnote{Author B}\textsuperscript{2},
  Author C\footnote{Author C}\textsuperscript{1}, Author D\footnote{Author D}\textsuperscript{2} and
  Author E\footnote{Author E}\textsuperscript{2} \par \bigskip

  \textsuperscript{1}Department of Computer Science, \LaTeX\ University \par
  \textsuperscript{2}Department of Mechanical Engineering, \LaTeX\ University\par \bigskip



\section{A section}

\@setabstract is added to the end of the abstract environment to print it immediately after it is created. amsart sets the abstract in a box first, and only prints it with a call to \maketitle (which we circumvent in the above MWE).

Also, the footnote mechanism is altered within the title (which is centered) to print symbols via the macro \authorfootnotes.

Some modifications that may be required:

  1. If you have other footnotes within the document, you may have to reset the footnote counter after the title. To do this, use \setcounter{footnote}{0}.
  2. If you have figures on the first page that may end up at the top of the page, modifications to the number of top-aligned floats is required.
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