[Tex/LaTex] LaTeX template for a newspaper style letters to the editor page


I am looking to typeset a "Letters to the Editor" page, which looks similar to that of the UK newspaper The Times (pictured below). I have tried to search for a letters page template, but all I have found are templates for letters rather than a letters page.
enter image description here

Best Answer

LaTeX isn't very good in typesetting newspaperlike pages. Maybe some day LuaTeX will offer things like a given layout into which the text »flows«.

But however, to make a page look like the one you printed above, I can offer a kind of structure. You can make it prettier in a million ways, but at least it shows a possible way to go:

\documentclass[paper=a3, pagesize, english, fontsize=12pt, parskip=half, DIV=30, headings=large]{scrartcl}
\usepackage{babel, xspace, blindtext, babel, multicol, ragged2e, graphicx,
  tikzducks, xcolor}

  \SetTracking{encoding= * , shape = sc}{25}


      \draw (0,0) pic[ duck/water=green, duck/alien, ] {duck};

  \section*{Beetles and crops}


  \section*{Status of engineers}


  \begin{multicols}{3}[\textbf{\Large\sffamily{}Winners and losers in something I can't read}]



    \section*{Policing the police}


\section*{Golden pension pot}


\section*{Stoned by accident}




Looks like this:

newspaper like site with duck

E D I T:

I could not resist to play around, the result is probably even less convincing, but it was fun!


\documentclass[paper=a3, english, fontsize=12pt, DIV=40]{scrartcl}
\usepackage{babel, xspace, blindtext, babel, multicol, ragged2e, graphicx,
  tikzducks, xcolor, xcolor-solarized, paralist, textcomp, pict2e, array, url}


  \SetTracking{encoding= * , shape = sc}{25}

%  \RaggedRight{}
      \draw (0,0) pic[ duck/water=green, duck/alien, ] {duck};

  \section*{Beetles and crops}


  \section*{Status of engineers}


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adip- iscing elit. Ut purus elit, vestibu-
lum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae, felis. Curabitur dictum



\begin{compactitem}[\color{purple} \textbullet]
\item Expectant mothers orem ipsum
dolor sit amet, consectetuer adip-
iscing elit. Ut purus elit, vestibu-
lum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing
vitae, felis. Curabitur dictum
\item Another serious mistake...
\item OK, but this is not about BREXIT

  \begin{multicols}{3}[\textbf{\huge{}Winners and losers in something I can't read !}]







    \section*{Policing the police}


\section*{Golden pension pot}


\section*{Stoned by accident}



    \huge\bfseries{} Drowning witch\newline in Oxford!\newline\normalsize
    Stolen here:\newline \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/336984/4736}



newspager-page coloured