[Tex/LaTex] LaTeX table capabilities


This might be a proper question for community wiki.

How can various text processor (like Word or Writer) table capabilities be achieved using LaTeX? For example, can I achieve:

Row and column spanning

  • equal column distribution (yes, with appropriate column types and manually inputting column widths, or tabularx package)
  • equal rows distribution (?)
  • changing text direction (yes, does not depend on table enviroment?)
  • cell/row shading (yes, with colorx package)
  • using borders and lines
  • setting borders of each cell individually (?)
  • aligning cell contents inside a cell in all 9 directions (vertical, horizontal and centering)
  • etc.

Best Answer

Merge cells operation spanning multiple rows and columns, respecting borders.

Can be done using a \multirow (multirow package) inside a \multicolumn. The borders are drawn using \hline or \cline.


   Text A                        &  Text B                       & Test C \\\hline
   \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\multirow{2}{*}{Longer Text, etc. etc.}} & Test F \\\cline{3-3}
   \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{}                                        & Test G \\\hline



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