[Tex/LaTex] Complex LaTeX Table


I am trying to make a LaTeX table.
I have prepared the following code.

\caption{Combination Nomenclature, (Average Fill Factor)}
\textbf{Combination} &\multicolumn{4}{l|}{\textbf{Included Optional Steps}}\\
\textbf{1}& X & & & \\
\textbf{2}& X & X & & \\
\textbf{3}& X & X & X & \\ 
\textbf{4}& X & X &  &X \\ 
\textbf{5}& X &  & X & \\ 
\textbf{6}& X &  & X & X\\ 
\textbf{7}& X &  & & X\\
\textbf{8}&  & X & &\\
\textbf{9}&  & X &  X &\\
\textbf{10}&  & X &  X & X\\
\textbf{11}&  & X & & X\\
\textbf{12}&  &  & X & \\
\textbf{13}&  &  & X & X \\
\textbf{14}&  &  &  & X \\
\textbf{15}& \multicolumn{1}{l}{Nano Particles Deposited, Not Sintered} &  &  & \\
\textbf{16}& \multicolumn{1}{l}{Only Grinded Wafer 1, No Particles Deposited, Not Sintered} &  &  & \\
\textbf{17}& \multicolumn{1}{l}{Only Grinded Wafer 2, No Particles Deposited, Not Sintered}  &  &  &\\

As you can see, the combinations 15-17 should be indipendent of the rows above and optional steps 1-4 should have equal width. The problem is that I am not sure, how to separate them.

Best Answer

One way would be to fix the width of the columns as in the first example:

enter image description here

It would be even better to eliminate the vertical lines as in the second example:

enter image description here


\caption{Combination Nomenclature, (Average Fill Factor)}
\begin{tabular}{|c||p{1.0em}|p{1.0em}|p{1.0em}|p{1.0em} l|}
\textbf{Combination} &\multicolumn{5}{l|}{\textbf{Included Optional Steps}}\\
\textbf{1}& X & & & &\\
\textbf{13}&  &  & X & X &\\
\textbf{14}&  &  &  & X &\\
\textbf{15}& \multicolumn{4}{l}{Nano Particles Deposited, Not Sintered}&\\
\textbf{16}& \multicolumn{4}{l}{Only Grinded Wafer 1, No Particles Deposited, Not Sintered}&\\
\textbf{17}& \multicolumn{4}{l}{Only Grinded Wafer 2, No Particles Deposited, Not Sintered}&\\
\caption{Combination Nomenclature, (Average Fill Factor)}
\begin{tabular}{c p{1.0em} p{1.0em} p{1.0em} p{1.0em} l }
\textbf{Combination} &\multicolumn{5}{l}{\textbf{Included Optional Steps}}\\
\textbf{1}& X & & & &\\
\textbf{13}&  &  & X & X &\\
\textbf{14}&  &  &  & X &\\
\textbf{15}& \multicolumn{4}{l}{Nano Particles Deposited, Not Sintered}&\\
\textbf{16}& \multicolumn{4}{l}{Only Grinded Wafer 1, No Particles Deposited, Not Sintered}&\\
\textbf{17}& \multicolumn{4}{l}{Only Grinded Wafer 2, No Particles Deposited, Not Sintered}&\\
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