[Tex/LaTex] Complex nested table in LATEX


In my document I want to include nested tables as in the picture below.

i- The table need to occupy the page width

ii- The left most column "GRP1" & "GRP2" to be left aligned on the page

iii- The column for aggregate percentage on right to be right aligned but the value in that to be centered.

iv – In the center column – the description to be left aligned. The nested part details table in the same column to be left aligned. the number of parts are variable. It could vary from 0 to 50. However in the same line maximum of 15 only can come. Remaining then will move to next line.

enter image description here

Need help in how to do the same in LATEX.

** EDIT**

I accept my mistake in forgetting the guideline and raising question without mentioning what I tried.
Adding the code that I'm trying. Being beginner the code does not yet follow the best practice for tex coding.

\usepackage[includeheadfoot,top=0.25in, bottom=0.25in, left=0.25in, right=0.25in]{geometry} 
\definecolor{pwcolor}{RGB}{219, 48, 122}
\setlength\headheight{40pt} %% just to make warning go away. Adjust the value after looking into the warning.
\title{My first report}
Hello World!\\

  \multirow{3}{*} {} & 
     \multicolumn{9}{l}{Description1} & \\ 
     {} &Q1 & Q2 & Q3 & Q4 & Q5 & Q6 & Q7 & Q8 & Q9  \\
     {} &1  & 2  & 3  & 4  & 5  & 6  & 7  & 8  & 9  
   \multirow{3}{*} {} & 
      \multicolumn{9}{l}{Description2} & \\ 
      {} &Q1 & Q2 & Q3 & Q4 & Q5 & Q6 & Q7 & Q8 & Q9  \\
      {} &1  & 2  & 3  & 4  & 5  & 6  & 7  & 8  & 9  


the output table produced by this code is not getting aligned as per the page width.

More than code I would like some reference to approach this problem.

For point 4 – above where I mentioned that center column will have sub-table with dynamic column count. Currently I'm thinking to generate .tex file programmatically and then pass the output tex file from that utility for further processing.


Best Answer

                textfont={sf}]{caption}% added for caption customization

\caption{My beautiful table}
        &   \multicolumn{5}{c|}{\cellcolor{gray!30}{description 1}}
            &  \hfill \cellcolor{gray!30}{70\%}                         \\
        &  P1         &  P2         &  P3         &  P4         &  P5         & \\
        & \hfill 60\% & \hfill 60\% & \hfill 60\% & \hfill 80\% & \hfill 90\% & \\
        &   \multicolumn{5}{c|}{\cellcolor{gray!30}{description 2}}
            &  \hfill \cellcolor{gray!30}{70\%}                                 \\
        & P11         & P12         & P13        & P14         & P15          & \\
        & \hfill 60\% & \hfill 60\% & \hfill 60\% & \hfill 80\% & \hfill 90\% & \\

enter image description here