[Tex/LaTex] LaTex error : ! LaTeX Error: Command \ecircumflex unavailable in encoding T1


I get a trouble in compiling LaTex. I used Texlive and Texmaker(in Xubuntu 13.04) for writing LaTex, the error says : LaTeX Error: Command \ecircumflex unavailable in encoding T1.

note that in window XP, with Miktex and Texmaker, the following MWE worked correctly.

Here is a minimal working example :

Tiếng Việt không hiển thị được(i.e: Can not display vietnamese character correctly): $\widearc{AB}, \wideOarc{AB}$ ?

So, how can I fix this error ?

Best Answer

The fourier package does


so T1 becomes the default encoding. Just do


so the default encoding will be T5 (Vietnamese).

I find it quite strange all the font juggling you do; surely loading type1cm is useless. Also loading mathptmx and doing \savesymbol{\hbar} does nothing, because the Fourier fonts have their own \hbar symbol.



\usepackage{helvet}      % Helvetica for sans serif
\usepackage{courier}     % Courier for monospaced

\usepackage{fourier}     % Utopia for the main font
\usepackage[T5]{fontenc} % restore the Vietnamese encoding



Tiếng Việt không hiển thị được(i.e: Can not display vietnamese 
character correctly): $\widearc{AB}, \wideOarc{AB}$?


enter image description here