[Tex/LaTex] Latex Bibliography style and citation callout style


I'm currently busy writing my masters thesis with latex and I need a certain citation style. Therefore, I used an already existing default bibliography style provided by my university. However, the citation style isn't exactly what I need. Currently, authors get cited like this: (cf. Kek et al. (2009), p. xx). I need it to look like: (cf. Kek et al. 2009, p. xx). Where do I find the respective options in my bibliography style?

I found the function:

FUNCTION {format.date}
{ year "year" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$
  extra.label *
  before.all 'output.state :=
  " (" swap$ * ") " *

Erasing the curved brackets doesn't change anything (well, maybe this is due to my editor). Any ideas?

edit for MWE:

Hey guys,

thanks for your answers.

here a minimal example (I m using natbib already):



     \pagenumbering{arabic} %rmische Seitennummerierung


     Lore ipsum dolum est blablalbalblabla  (cf. \cite{Kek}, p. 15)

     \bibliographystyle{custom_build}  %legt die zu verwendende BIBTEX-Stildatei fest

Best Answer

Instead of editing the bibliography style file (not something to be done lightly!), you may want to look into using a competent citation management package that lets you generate the desired format of the citation callout directly, independently of the bibliography style you may choose to use.

Since you're using the natbib citation management package, and assuming further that the key of the entry in question is "Kek", the command


should give you the desired citation callout.