[Tex/LaTex] How to get Turabian citation style in LaTex


I am writing my thesis and I am using a Turabian style for figures and tables and i would like to be consistent and use the Turabian style for my citation also. I am using a bibtex for my citation. I am wondering if there exist a specific method to change the references into a Turabian style. Thanks

Best Answer

Method 1: Using biblatex-chicago alone

For Turabian-style citations, consider using the biblatex-chicago package. It supports both the Notes-Bibliography and the Author-Date citation styles.

Specific to Notes-Bibliography, use:

\usepackage[notes, isbn=false]{biblatex-chicago}

In formatting the Bibliography/References when using the \printbibliography command (as part of the biblatex-chicago package), the following will also make adjustments based on the recommendations outlined in Turabian's manual:


Method 2: Using turabian-formatting with biblatex-chicago

Use the turabian-formatting package. It provides the necessary formatting to produce a thesis according to Turabian's A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (8th Edition). It also provides support for the biblatex-chicago package.

The following is an example of using the package's included turabian-thesis document class:


\usepackage{csquotes, ellipsis}

\addbibresource{my_bibliography.bib} % Your bibliography file

\title{The Title of Your Work}
\author{Your Name}

    The content of your paper.

This second method also provides Turban-style formatting, specific to a thesis, for the entire document.

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