[Tex/LaTex] latex beamer title color font size


How can one change title, color, and font size in the beamer package ?

My MWE is:



%\setbeamerfont{subsection in toc}{size=\tiny}


%% Title slide formatting %%

\pgfdeclareimage[width=\paperwidth]{titlebackground}{put here any image}
\setbeamertemplate{title page}{




%% General slide formatting %%


\pgfdeclareimage[width=3.9cm]{oxfordlogo}{put here any image}
\pgfdeclareimage[width=1cm]{mathslogo}{put here any image}



            \color{oxfordblue}\text{Jimyeong Lee (GSSI)}

%% Information (author, title, etc.) %%
\title[MATH]{MATH}% short title for footer
    \sc{Ph.D. candidate: }\\
    \sc{Advisor: }\\
\date[\today]{Thesis Defense Presentation, \today} % short date for footer

%% Content of slides %%


%   \setbeamertemplate{footnote}{
%       \raisebox{1cm}{
%           \parbox[b]{10.5cm}{
%               %${\insertfootnotemark}$\insertfootnotetext
%           }
%   }}


    % TOC


Best Answer

To change the title font size, you can use the exact same mechanism as you already do for the subtitle: \setbeamerfont{title}{size=\Huge}

The colour is a bit trickier as you define your title page yourself. If you add \usebeamercolor[fg]{title} to your custom title page, then you can change the colour via \setbeamercolor{title}{fg=blue}

Of-topic: you don't need graphicx with beamer and instead of multicol and wallpaper beamer has its own mechanism for columns and backgrounds.



%% Title slide formatting %%

\setbeamertemplate{title page}{


%% General slide formatting %%

\title[MATH]{MATH}% short title for footer

    \sc{Ph.D. candidate: }\\

    \sc{Advisor: }\\

\date[\today]{Thesis Defense Presentation, \today} 


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