[Tex/LaTex] Italicize Book and conference titles and place titles of websites in quotation marks in Bibliography list


I am using isprs.bst, available here (http://www.isprs.org/documents/orangebook/LATEX/ISPRSguidelines_authors_latex.zip), and would like to have books in the list of references to appear in italics, titles of websites placed in quotation marks and title of conference proceedings italicized using author year citation style. So far I am not successful, here is my working example:

\usepackage[authoryear]{natbib}     %Bib entry
    title={The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction},
    author={Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. and Friedman, J.},
    series = {Springer Series in Statistics}
 author = {OpenCV},
 title = {{Random Trees}},
 howpublished = "\url{http://docs.opencv.org/modules/ml/doc/ml.html}",
 year = {2014},
 note = "[Accessed: 20-11-2014]",
  title={Land Use Classification with High-Resolution Satellite Radar for Estimating the Impacts of Land Use Change on the Quality of Ecosystem Services},
  author={Bargiel, D. and Herrmann, S. and Lohmann, P. and S{\"o}rgel, U.},
  booktitle={Proceedings of ISPRS TC VII Symposium: 100 Years ISPRS},
  year = {2010},
  editor =       {Wagner, W. and Sz{\'e}kely, B.},
  volume =       {XXXVIII},
  address =      {Vienna, Austria},
  month =        {July},
  publisher =    {IAPRS},
 Changes in a scene \citep{OpenCV_RF_2014} can be monitored \citep{6_Bargiel_2010} regularly and on demand~\citep{58_Hastie_2011}. 

Best Answer

I ran into similar difficulty using isprs.bst.

My solution: edit isprs.bst. I now get the following in italics: titles of books, journal names (for article entries) and conference proceeding names.

You can get my version of isprs.bst at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/51087803/isprs.bst

I made 3 edits: (1) to the function that formats conference proceeding names:

FUNCTION {format.in.ed.booktitle}
{ booktitle empty$
    { "" }
    { editor empty$
        { "In: \emph{" booktitle * "}" * } %emphasises the booktitle for bibtex items:  inproceedings, incollection and conference 
        { "In: " format.editors.reverse * ", \emph{" * booktitle * "}" * } %emphasises the booktitle for bibtex items:  inproceedings, incollection and conference 

It should work for items of the type @inproceedings, @conference and @incollection.

(2) In the article function replaced journal "journal" duplicate$ item.check with

journal "journal" duplicate$ item.check emphasize

(the emphasize function was already defined in the isprs.bst - it emphasizes the top item on the stack, which in this case is the journal name)

(3) In the book function I replaced format.btitle "title" output.check with

format.btitle "title" output.check emphasize

(this emphasizes just book titles, if I wanted to emphasize titles in a thesis or a few other things then I could have put emphasize inside format.btitle)

Websites? I didn't do anything for these because isprs.bst doesn't include a specific function for urls.