[Tex/LaTex] Italic citation reference for author name using natbib


I'm trying to get italics for the author name within the citation using natbib with agsm style.


  author = {Joe Smith},
  title = {The Lord of the Wings},
  year = {2011},
  publisher = {Amazon},
\usepackage[authoryear]{natbib} % natbib used for reference style

So the following should show the name \citeauthor{Smith2011} in italic \citep{Smith2011}, but it doesn't work?
\bibliographystyle{agsm} % AGSM style matches closely to Brunel style

I have to use Harvard style for my report, though when I tried to replace agsm with harvard, it didn't find the style? I thought it comes with natbib?

Best Answer

Use egreg's answer to How to cite authors in small cap with \citet? and replace \scshape with \itshape:

  author = {Joe Smith},
  title = {The Lord of the Wings},
  year = {2011},
  publisher = {Amazon},
\usepackage[authoryear]{natbib} % natbib used for reference style


So the following should show the name \citeauthor{Smith2011} in italic \citep{Smith2011}, but it doesn't work?
\bibliographystyle{agsm} % AGSM style matches closely to Brunel style

enter image description here

EDIT: natbib provides the styles plainnat, abbrvnat, and unsrtnat. The harvard package provides additional styles that may be used with natbib, but no "harvard" style .