[Tex/LaTex] Is it possible to use LaTeX tools with pdf preview


So I want to use LaTeX in sublime text 2, and I came across the plugin LaTeXTools. It works great, but it requires me to install Skim PDF Viewer. Is it possible to set it up so that when I compile the latex file it opens it in the PDF preview already installed on my mac?

Best Answer

UPDATE: This does not work as advertised.

I undeleted this post after @Bordaigorl posted the same solution. There are still some unresolved issues. Changing viewPDF.py appears to work only if Skim is not installed.

The PDF-viewer in the LaTeXTools-package is configured in a file called viewPDF.py — as @kgr already pointed out. For OSX you can change the viewer form skim to preview by changing line 44 from:

viewercmd = ["open", "-a", "Skim"]


viewercmd = ["open", "-a", "Preview"]

But I would recommend against it. Skim is an excellent PDF viewer that takes under 10 MiB on your harddisk.