[Tex/LaTex] Skim Inverse Search Problem with Sublime Text 2


Skim Inverse Search doesn't work for me(Mac OS 10.9)

Everything works fine for Sublime Text 2 with LaTexTools, building etc. Skim pops out, fine. Test PDF looks good. I set up sync in Skim wish to have inverse search, unfortunately, doesn't work.

Please note: I have also set up Sublime Text 2, LaTexTools, Sumatra PDF viewer in windows before as well. Everything works perfect. I double-click on a line in pdf and sublime text navigates to my desired location. So does the inverse search in Skim works in the same gesture manner as Sumatra does? Or I need extra configuration in Mac OS?

Thanks in advance!

My version of app:(all application installed in default location and settings)

Mac os 10.9

Sublime Text 2.02

LaTexTools release 2014-3-12

Skim 1.4.8(82)

My Skim sync setup in the picture:
Sync setup

Best Answer

Mine is fine(OSx 10.8.5). I am using latexmk and Cmd+shift+click work fine. I have this $pdflatex = 'xelatex -recorder --shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error -synctex=1' in my .latexmkrc . It might not be important.

For more information , please take a look here under the section Forward and Inverse Search.

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